History ISC




Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) is a private institution of Higher Education (private), which was founded and established by the Fundação Cristal (Cristal Foundation) on November 5, 2001. The first time was named the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College Cristal). At that time the “Teachers’ Training College CRISTAL” was inaugurated by Mr. Domingos de Sousa, M.Ed, Director General of the Ministry of Education and Sports of Timor Leste. November 5, defined as anniversary of the Institute Superior Cristal. Further on March 19, 2003, the name was changed from a Teachers’ Training College INSTITUTE SUPERIOR CRISTAL (ISC), ISC accredited status through the process of evaluation and accreditation from the international accreditation team which was promulgated by the Government of Timor-Leste on August 31, 2008. ISC has two Faculties: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences.


Motto of Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) is “Saber é Progredir ” or ” Matenek Hodi Haburas” translated into Indonesian “Knowledge for Development”

Institute Superior Cristal (ISC)

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