Academics Staff


Rector : Dr. Sebastiao Pereira, S.IP., MM.
Vice Rector : Joana Ribeiro Guterres, S.E., M.M.
Intensive Searchand Development Center Director/ Head of Community Relations : Dr. Agostinho dos Santos Goncalves, L.Ec., MM.
Head of Public Administration and Finance : Hendro Almeida da Costa Cabeçadas, SE., MM.
Head of Student Administration section : Feliciano da Costa Correia, L.Ed
The Head of The Internal Quality Assurance : Viktor Jahana, S.Fil., MM.

Faculty and Department

Faculty and Department


Institute Superior Cristal has two faculties, they are the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Faculty of Teacher) and the Faculty of Health Sciences Education. Of both faculty is comprised of several departments such as the following table:

Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

: Abrão Pereira, L.EC, Post Grad, MM.

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Education

: Ns. Paulo Lopes, S.Kep.
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education


Faculty /Head of Department Undergraduate Degree Head of Department


Mathematics Strata (S1) Bernardino de Castro, L.Ed
2 Chemistry Strata (S1) Mateus Amaral, S.Pd
3 Economics & Accounting Strata (S1) Joana Guterres Ribeio, SE., MM
4 English Strata (S1) Charles de Fatima Soares, L.Ed., MM
5 Physics Strata (S1) Andre Pereira Gaspar, L.Ed
6 Portuguese Strata (S1) Caetano de Oliveira, S.Pd, Post Grad
7 Psychology Strata (S1) Martinho da Costa,S.Psi., Cand M.Pd
8 Sociology Strata (S1) Salvador Pereira da Costa, S.Sos.,MM
9 Biology Strata (S1) Rosa da Cruz, S.Pd
10 Cooperative Diploma (D-3) Elizario Pereira, SE., MM
11 IT Strata (S1) Sebastião Freitas, S.Pd., MM
Faculty of Health Sciences Education


Faculty /Head of Department Undergraduate Degree Head of Department


Nursing Diploma (D-3) Bernardo da Costa, S.Kep
Strata (S1) Jacinto de Oliveira Junior , S.Hi., Cand M.Pd

Organizational Structure

Board of  Directors / Founders Foundation / Fundação Cristal

Chairman Fundação Cristal

: Frederico Almeida Santos da Costa

Vice Chairman

: Anselmo da Conceição

General Secretary / Executive Director

: Dr. Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, SE., MM.


: Ir. Antonio Ximenes

Secretary II

: Jose Barreto Gonçalves, SIP, MM.


: Jacinto de Oliveira

Members : 1. Filipe Garcia
  2. Miguel Esteves dos Santos
  3. Angelina Baptista dos Santos
  4. Maria Peregrina da Costa Tilman

Vision and Mission


Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) has the skills to the development of global, national, regional, and local, who want to contribute maximally to the development activities primarily through education, research and application of science and technology to society. For the Vision, Mission and Goals institutions need to be formulated in a more assertive in order to be used as guidelines in the implementation of development.


ISC’s vision is to make the university a superior who care for human values and a reference in the development of education, science, technology and art.

MISSION : ISC is its mission statement:

  1. Higher education by focusing on equity and expanding access for the public;
  2. Improve the relevance and quality competitiveness, through education, learning, research and knowledge development, and community service;
  3. Building a healthy organization in order to strengthen governance, transparency, and public image towards an autonomous college.

PURPOSE: Institute Superior Cristal has several objectives, namely:

  1. Produce high-quality graduates with the ability academic, professional and responsive to the needs of science and technology;
  2. Produce high-quality research and useful in solving various problems of academic and social;
  3. Doing community service is directed to the use and application of research results and educational outcomes for the welfare and progress of society.
  4. Increasing the role of the community and alumni in education at ISC.

Identity – Logo & Filosofi

Meaning of logo:

  • Facet 5, mean 5 pillars (the pillars consist of: Cristal Foundation Founder, Faculty, Students, Parents and donors).
  • Triangle, it means that are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Books on the island of Timor, is a science.
  • 10 seed means a shining crystal stones, to the 10 founders of Dom Bosco Salesian Alumni
  • ISC, Innovative, Spirit and Creative
  • Institute Superior Cristal is the name of the institution Institute Superior Cristal


  • Blue means hope and confidence in a bright future
  • Yellow means wealth
  • Black means the purpose to be achieved

History ISC




Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) is a private institution of Higher Education (private), which was founded and established by the Fundação Cristal (Cristal Foundation) on November 5, 2001. The first time was named the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College Cristal). At that time the “Teachers’ Training College CRISTAL” was inaugurated by Mr. Domingos de Sousa, M.Ed, Director General of the Ministry of Education and Sports of Timor Leste. November 5, defined as anniversary of the Institute Superior Cristal. Further on March 19, 2003, the name was changed from a Teachers’ Training College INSTITUTE SUPERIOR CRISTAL (ISC), ISC accredited status through the process of evaluation and accreditation from the international accreditation team which was promulgated by the Government of Timor-Leste on August 31, 2008. ISC has two Faculties: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences.


Motto of Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) is “Saber é Progredir ” or ” Matenek Hodi Haburas” translated into Indonesian “Knowledge for Development”

Institute Superior Cristal (ISC)


Welcome Executive Director of Fundação Cristal

First of all I convey Congratulations and appreciation over the latest appearance of the official website of the Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) Dili, East Timor, which was designed by the Rector, Academic Civitas and Tim ISC ISC website. Hopefully, with the appearance of new website information about ISC Dili, Timor Leste and the activities therein can be known by the public and even more interactive communication occurs between the structure of ISC Rector, the Faculty, Alumni, community, students and ISC.

Superior Institute Cristal (ISC) is a private university founded by Fundação Cristal on June 5, 2001, by 10 (ten) Dom Bosco Salesian Alumni Timor Leste. ISC has motto: “Knowledge for Development (Saber é Progredir)”, in which stands the ISC can be interpreted: “Innovative, Spirit and Creative “.

After more than 13 years, ISC plays a role in improving the quality of the nation is to prepare students to become teachers or educators are competent and professional. ISC as an educational institution, never stop to improve the quality of academic and non-academic to produce graduates who have the competence and competitiveness is high, then the ISC website is now available to accompany the younger generation and people of Timor-Leste to be in the know ISC. Furthermore, through Rector ISC, we invite high school graduates to join and learn together in the ISC, to realize their dream as a successor to the nation with the spirit of relentless and successful learning into shoots superior nation, to advance the development of the Nation and the State of Timor Leste.

Finally, with a high commitment, Fundação Cristal through Instituto Superior Cristal Dili, Timor Leste is ready to educate the students to become a teacher or educator graduates who are competent and professional in the field of expertise and are able to compete globally.

Executive Director of Fundação Cristal

Dr. Agostinho dos Santos Gonçalves, SE, MM

Message from the Rector

Welcome to Campus Instituto Superior Cristal (ISC) Dili-East Timor.

Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) is an institution of higher education as a whole represents the ideals and long-term goals of the Fundação Cristal in realizing the educational mission outlined and born of the idealism of the founders of the Foundation.

ISC was established on November 5, 2001 in Dili, Timor Leste. In terms of facilities, ISC has provided the tools needed to support the learning process for students, the support facilities and non-academic needs adequate academic.

Challenges facing higher education is not only limited to the responsibility of providing the learning to the students, but also plays a role in the intellectual life of the nation. Constantly changing environment marked by the characteristics of jobs that require workers with the skills, competence and global oriented and demanding improvement of qualification of human resources who have the creativity and courage in doing renewal (innovation).

Furthermore, ISC is one element of improving the quality of human resources in Timor Leste through education, which in turn is expected and intended to form a comprehensive and continuous quality improvement to the nation.

Hopefully, given the belief that parents of students, the community and the world of work will lead to the achievement of the goals and ideals in common is the quality of human character and high morality. Finally, any interests, goals or ambitions, ISC offers a lot of things, good quality courses, learning and research opportunities, as well as international experience. Therefore we believe the more we work, the greater our contribution to the world.

Welcome to our website and explore more in Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) – Have fun exploring the virtual world Institute Superior Cristal (ISC)

Best regards from the ISC.


Dr. Sebastiao Pereira, S. IP, MM.