Vision and Mission


Institute Superior Cristal (ISC) has the skills to the development of global, national, regional, and local, who want to contribute maximally to the development activities primarily through education, research and application of science and technology to society. For the Vision, Mission and Goals institutions need to be formulated in a more assertive in order to be used as guidelines in the implementation of development.


ISC’s vision is to make the university a superior who care for human values and a reference in the development of education, science, technology and art.

MISSION : ISC is its mission statement:

  1. Higher education by focusing on equity and expanding access for the public;
  2. Improve the relevance and quality competitiveness, through education, learning, research and knowledge development, and community service;
  3. Building a healthy organization in order to strengthen governance, transparency, and public image towards an autonomous college.

PURPOSE: Institute Superior Cristal has several objectives, namely:

  1. Produce high-quality graduates with the ability academic, professional and responsive to the needs of science and technology;
  2. Produce high-quality research and useful in solving various problems of academic and social;
  3. Doing community service is directed to the use and application of research results and educational outcomes for the welfare and progress of society.
  4. Increasing the role of the community and alumni in education at ISC.

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